Friday, June 19, 2009

Sales Management: The Law of the Farmer

by Mark Bowser - Motivational Business Speaker

If you never plant a sales seed, will you ever reap a sales harvest? Of course not. But how many of us sometimes expect success to fall into our laps. Jim Rohn says that life gives us what we deserve not what we need. In this article, Sales and Leadership expert Mark Bowser uses the farmer as an illustration on how we can be super successful in our selling careers.
Take Action Sales Editor

If you don’t plant seeds today, you won’t reap a harvest… tomorrow!

The Law of the Farmer is one of the great success truths of all time. You can find this truth in the ancient book of Matthew found in the Bible. The Great Teacher went down to the sea shore and a great crowd amassed around him. Everywhere he went, the crowds would gather. The Great Teacher looked over the crowd ready to hang onto His every word.

He stepped into a small boat and was pushed a few feet from shore. In this way, the masses would not only be able to see Him more clearly, but would be able to hear Him more effectively as well. The Great Teacher opened His mouth to speak. A hush came over the immense gathering of humanity.

The Great Teacher said, “A farmer went out to plant some seed. As he scattered it across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them.” Let’s stop right here and see what this has to say to us today. The seed fell on the path and birds came and ate the seed. Hmm? What does that mean? Well, I believe that some people get set in their ways. They like the old way of doing things. They like the old way of seeing things. And they like everything to stay the same. These people are not willing to change and grow. You position your product or service to this individual (you plant a seed). This person is so closed minded that they don’t even see the opportunity so the seed is stolen away, in this case by the birds.

Let me give you an example. For how many years have some medical doctors disagreed with the practice of Chiropractic? Too long to count. Many of them aren’t even willing to consider the possibility that chiropractic care could help their patient. Their patient is not getting better but they would prefer to fail their patient then to open their eyes to refer them to a doctor of chiropractic. My family doctor is different. He had no problem with me seeing my chiropractor Dr. Paul Juszczyk. Why? Because his eyes are open.

Now, you might be thinking, “what if the person I am talking with is closed minded? What if they are the seed that falls on the path? What do I do?” My advice is do nothing. Move on to the next prospect. You see, their hardness of mind and heart is not your issue. It is theirs. You did your part. You planted a seed. In this case, it just didn’t grow and that is not your fault.

Let’s get back to the story. The Great Teacher said, “Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The plants sprang up quickly, but they soon wilted beneath the hot sun and died because the roots had no nourishment in the shallow soil.” What does this mean for us? Well, some prospects for your product/service get very excited about what they are hearing and seeing. The challenge is that they take no action. Because they do nothing, the motivation begins to fade away to where in a very short time the seed begins to die. To read more click the following link:

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