Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Don't get Sales Psychosclerosis

Sales Champions,

Make sure you don't get this ailment. Ashley Montague said, "Psychosclerosis: the hardening of the attitude which causes a person to cease dreaming, seeing, thinking, and leading."

Keep your attitude up and your sales will follow. Make it a great sales day!

God bless,


Monday, March 30, 2009

Selling Hope!

Good morning Sales Champions!

Here is a Power Nugget to help get your week going strong.

"Hope is a little thing that carries big dividends in the journey of life."
Mark Bowser

If you would like to purchase my inspirational book Power Nuggets then please go to http://www.MarkBowser.com

FREE Sales Training Newsletter at http://www.TakeActionSales.com

Have an awesome selling day. God bless you!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Boost your sales training. Zig Ziglar says...

Hey Sales Champions!

Here is a great thought from master sales trainer Zig Ziglar.

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to his or her commitment to excellence, regardless of his or her chosen field of endeavor."

Zig Ziglar

Now, go out there and make it a great sales day! God bless you!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Create your selling future!

Good morning Folks!

Here is a thought to kick off a great sales day.

"Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design."
Jim Rohn

Go out there today and design your sales success....and make it a great sales day!

God bless,


Monday, March 23, 2009

Sales Training Words for March 23, 2009

Good afternoon Sales Champions!

I have some selling words to help you focus your sales week. This sales training comes from Sales Champion Brian Tracy. Brian says, "Satisfy the deep subconscious needs of your customers -- to feel important, to feel valued, respected, and worthwhile."

Now, go out there and MAKE IT A GREAT SALES DAY!

God bless you,

Mark Bowser

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sales Training - A Sales Champion Captures the Power of Vision

Happy Friday Sales Champions!

Here is an article to help you stay focused on your sales success. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend. God bless!


Sales Training: A Sales Champion… Captures The Power of Vision

By Mark Bowser - Motivational Business Speaker

Throughout time, sales champions have always had vision. Vision is one of the most important elements to being a sale champion. The Ancient Writer states it this way, "Where there is no vision, the people perish….” Vision keeps us on track. It even shows us where the track is. So, if vision is so important to success and happiness then where do we get it? That is not an easy question. One way is to ask yourself where you want to be ten years down the road? What will you have accomplished? Where will you live? Who will be with you? Questions like these will help you discover your inner vision for your life. To read more click this link http://www.takeactionsales.com/A_Sales_Champion.html

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sales Training Tips from Brian Tracy

Hey Sales Champions!

Here is a great article from Brian Tracy that is on our site Take Action Sales. I thought you would find it beneficial.



Sales Training: 7 Tips to Boost Your Sales

By Brian Tracy -Motivational Business Speaker

Tip number 1: Get serious! Make a decision to go all the way to the top of your field. Make a decision today to join the top 10%. There is no one and nothing that can hold you back from being the best except yourself. Remember, it takes just as long to be great as to be mediocre. The time is going to pass anyway. Your job is to commit to excellence, to get better and better each day, and to never, never stop until you reach the summit.
To Read more of this sales training article: http://www.takeactionsales.com/7_Tips_to_Boost_Your_Sales.html
Brian Tracy can be reached through his website at http://www.BrianTracy.com

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sales & Success Training FREE Newsletters

Hi Folks!

Sign up for these very helpful FREE Newsletters!

Zig Ziglar Newsletter at http://www.ziglar.com

Take Action Sales Newsletter at http://www.TakeActionSales.com

The Empower Newsletter at http://www.MarkBowser.com

Go out there and close some sales!

God bless,


Sales Training words of wisdom for selling in a down economy

Hi Folks!

I wanted to share with you some wise words from Sales Champion Zig Ziglar. Zig says, "It's now what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you."

We can't control the 'outside' economy but we can control the 'inside' economy in our minds. Stay positive, stay focused, and work hard and I believe you can have your best year so far.

I encourage you to sign up for the following helpful FREE newsletters:

Take Action Sales Newsletter at www.TakeActionSales.com

The Zig Ziglar Newsletter at www.Ziglar.com

The Empower Newsletter at www.MarkBowser.com

MAKE IT A GREAT DAY! God bless you!


Friday, March 13, 2009

Sales Training Newsletter from Take Action Sales

Hey Folks!

I thought you would like to see the latest edition of our Take Action Sales Newsletter. To get your own free subscription then you can sign up at www.TakeActionSales.com. The links, pictures, and format are not effective in this blog version. Sign up to get our next HTML format newsletter. Enjoy!


Welcome to the Take Action Sales Newsletter
for March 10, 2009

Today, we have a very exciting issue for you. We have three power packed articles to help you close more sales. We even have an article by Zig Ziglar himself. Well, let's not waste more time, let's get right to it.

Make It a Great Sales Day! God bless!

Mark Bowser

President/CEO, Empowering Enterprises, Inc. & Take Action Sales

In this Issue
1. Use Positive Imaging to Boost Sales by Mark Bowser

2. Zig ON- Listening to the Coach by Zig Ziglar

3. Sales Trainining: Character is a Requirement, Not a Choice by Mark Bowser

Use Positive Imaging to Boost Sales
by Mark Bowser - Motivational Business Speaker

One of the most powerful techniques for reaching your sales goals is known as positive imaging or positive visualization. This is how it works. You visualize your sales goals and dreams in their perfected form as if you have already achieved them. This technique helps bring into your life the actualization of those goals.

Why does positive imaging work? Positive imaging works for three reasons. One, what we focus on most will draw us toward it. In other words, the things we think about most will ultimately influence us to take actions toward those things. Two, our minds can't distinguish between reality and an imagined reality. Three, it has been proven scientifically that by using positive imaging the same portion of the brain is stimulated as if you were actually participating in that event. This is very powerful. A person can gain valuable experience for an event through positive imaging.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale has written a tremendous book titled "Positive Imaging." In this book, he tells a story of a young boy who discovered himself and his potential through positive imaging.

This little boy grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a very cold winter morning and young Roger was walking down the street. He came upon a huge building which had a large plate glass window facing the street.Roger peered through the window. He was fascinated at all the activity going on inside this building. This building was the home of that great newspaper The Cincinnati Enquirer.

Just then, a big rough-looking man caught the young boy's attention. The man was sitting behind a desk in the center of the room. The desk had papers scattered all over it. Papers were even on the floor. They were editorials for the newspaper. The man wore a green visor that was shading his eyes from the bare light bulb hanging above his head. He had an ugly unlit cigar sticking out from between two withered-looking lips. Somehow, Roger knew this man was in charge of what seemed to be chaos going on inside this building.

About that time, a police officer was strolling past Roger. Roger excitedly called out, "Officer, officer! Who is that man in there ... the one with the cigar and the visor?"

The officer humored the young boy. "Him? That is the editor of The Cincinnati Enquirer."

The boy was transfixed by this editor. He watched this man intently for quite a long time. Finally, Roger went on his way. He looked exactly as he did before but somehow he was different. He didn't notice the cold anymore that had previously been ripping through his tattered hand-me-down clothes. He had a vision going through his mind. The vision was a replica of what he had just seen back in that window but with an important change. It was thirty years in the future and he was the man sitting in the editor's chair.

That evening, Roger prayed to God to help him reach his dream. He then visualized his dream again. He did this night after night after night combining positive prayer with positive imaging. By doing this with God's help, Roger released tremendous power and focus into his life. As a result, Roger reached his dream. You see, Roger Ferger not only became the editor of The Cincinnati Enquirer, he became its publisher and owner too.

Positive Imaging is a tremendous exercise of faith that has the mysterious power of helping you reach your sales goals. I cannot think of a situation in life where positive imaging would not help. Try it! I am confident you will become a believer in this exercise as well.

Mark Bowser is the President/CEO of Empowering Enterprises, Inc. and Take Action Sales. He is the author of three books and is a popular Motivational Business Speaker & Corporate Trainer. He can be reached at info@TakeActionSales.com. < /span>

Get Mark Bowser's book

Unlocking the Champion Within. Click here

Zig On - Listening to the Coach

By Zig Ziglar - Motivational Business Speaker
The successful sales professional is always teachable. The sales champion is always keeping their eyes and ears open for techniques that can help them improve and close mores sales. In this article, sales expert Zig Ziglar teaches us the value of listening to the coach.

Take Action Sales Editor

. .The young athlete who aspires to greatness, generally speaking, learns a number of things from several different coaches. The first one taught him the fundamentals; the second one instilled discipline in him and taught him more of the techniques that must be mastered to excel. Finally, the coach who had the rare ability to spot the athlete's unique talent and then maximize that talent by teaching proper techniques.

The one thing coaches cannot tolerate. . .is the individual who grows arrogant because he excelled at a lower level and believes he has nothing else to learn. . . .The coach clearly understands that regardless of the extent of the talent, it can be more completely utilized if the proper coaching technique is applied. That coaching technique will include teaching the athletes to become team players by fitting their individual talents into the team. That's significant, because there is a dramatic difference in an all-star team and a team of all-stars. The coach's job is to take the stars and make them a team. The athlete who won't be coached simply never moves up to that last level, which is necessary for maximum personal performance and a must if the athlete is going to be a major contributor to the success of the team.

The blending of this talent into the "team" applies in any family, business, orchestra, stage production, or any other organization of more than two people. Think about it. Listen to the "coach," and I'll see you at the top!

. . .Adapted from Zig's popular book, SOMETHING ELSE TO SMILE ABOUT

Zig Ziglar is a well-loved motivational speaker and author. You can find more pearls of wisdom from Zig on his weekly newsletter. To find out more about Zig's books and CDs and to subscribe to the free newsletter go to his website, www.ziglar.com

Do you want to close more sales even during a recession? What happens to your job security if you don't?

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Sales Training: Character is a Requirement, Not a Choice
By Mark Bowser - Motivational Business Speaker

To live an empowered life, character is a requirement, not a choice.

It has been expressed that character is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. Many, many years ago in ancient Greece, an old sculptor worked hard on a piece of stone. He took much care as he chiseled a little at a time. The sculptor was careful to make every detail as perfect as possible. When finished, this piece of stone would sit high above on top of a shaft and would become the top part of a column. The column in turn would help support the roof of the temple.

A government official was walking by and noticed what the sculptor was doing and asked, "Why spend so much time on that section? It will be fifty feet in the air. No one will be able to see those details."

The old, wise sculptor looked at the man and said, "God will see it."

Character is a must for your life. In fact, that is what life is about. It was Samuel Johnson who said, "Life, like every other blessing, derives its value from its use alone. Not for itself, but for a nobler end the eternal gave it; and that end is virtue." My friend, if you live a life of character, whether you close a sale or not, you are still a winner.

To book Mark Bowser for your next sales training or conference, please contact us at info@TakeActionSales.com or call (513)252-GOAL

Brian Tracy's Success Mastery Academy. One of motivational business speaker Brian Tracy's best audio programs ever!! Grab hold of your success and close more sales today! Click here

"After reviewing hundreds of audio programs for over ten years Brian Tracy's "Success Mastery Academy" is truly the most comprehensive and enjoyable program on success that I have ever listened to. This program goes beyond an investment in your future to skills you will use your whole life long. This weekend is pure magic, I have never heard Brian so alive and very funny as well! We live in an increasingly complex society and this program helps clear the road to success. As Brian would say, "by gum this is it!"

Every tape is mesmerizing and intoxicating to the mind,I listened over and over again and will continue for many years to come. Thank you Brian Tracy for knowing what your purpose in life is. I know mine is even clearer than it was before. Thank You!!!"

Don Depaul
President/General Manager
Personal Success Radio

"Superior Training, Superior Results!"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Selling in this economy

Hi Folks!

Selling in an economy such as this can be very, very stressful. I don't have to tell you that. I am preaching to the choir because you are living it.

To be successful, particularly now, we must stick to the basics and work very, very hard. Listen to the wise words of sales champion Brian Tracy. He says, "Concentrate on the activities of prospecting, presenting, and following-up; the sales will take care of themselves."

Good advice for all of us. Now, let's go out there today and sell something.

MAKE IT A GREAT DAY! God bless you!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Have a great sales day!

Hey Folks!

Go out there and close some sales today!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Take Action Sales on Twitter

Hey Folks!

Check us out on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/TakeActionSales

Focus your Sales Week! Sales Training Thoughts

Hey Folks!

Here is a Power Nugget of mine to focus your sales week. "Boldness of faith conquers all defeat."

Go out there and have a great sales week. God bless!

Mark Bowser