Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Control Your Thoughts & You Control Your Selling Success

 Sales Success:  A Champion Uses The Good Thought Habit


By Mark Bowser

 Have you ever heard the computer term "garbage in; garbage out?"  Well, it is true with habits too.  If we have bad habits then the result will be a disempowering life.  On the other hand, if we have good habits then we will live an empowering successful life.

One of the most vital habits we need to focus on is our thought habits.  Dr. Shad Helmstetter (the author of What To Say When You Talk To Your Self) said that by the time the average person reaches 18 years of age that they have heard the word "no" or things they can't do 148,000 times.  Some of those were healthy for us, "Johnny don't touch the stove or you will get burnt."  However, many of them were not healthy for us.  In fact, many of them are self-imposed.  For example, we may say to ourselves, "I can't do that, I don't have what it takes," or "I am too small,” or "I don't have enough education," or even "I have too much education," and the list goes on and on and on. 

So, in essence, we have been programmed negatively.  Dr. Mike Murdock said, "What you hear the most you eventually will believe."  If we tell ourselves that we are losers enough times then we will eventually believe it.  But, if we tell ourselves the truth enough times that we are champions designed for greatness then we will believe that too.  The choice is ours...GOOD THOUGHT HABITS OR BAD THOUGHT HABITS.

Dr. Helmstetter teaches people the concept of self-talk or positive affirmations.  Just as we may have been programmed negatively, we can take back that programming positively.  Dr. Helmstetter teaches that we can conquer all kinds of challenges through the consistency of positive self-talk.  For example, let's say we are salespeople.  However, we are salespeople who have a fear of cold calls.  Now, we have a challenge.  Not the least being having enough money to eat.  So, how do we solve this challenge?  Through positive self talk!  If we are afraid of cold calls it is because of what we have consistently told ourselves about cold calls.  We would need to change that by telling ourselves something like, "I love cold calls.  I know the more cold calls I make the more people I can serve with my product, service, etc....  I want to fill those peoples' needs.  I am going to make another cold call."  We would need to read this to ourselves over and over and over until we think and feel differently about cold calls.  REMEMBER, GOOD STUFF IN; GOOD STUFF OUT. 

So, how can you use this in your life?  By conquering your challenges by writing your own self talk.  Make sure it is positive as if you are conquering or already conquered the challenge.  Positive quotations work great too.  Find your favorite quotes and read them often.  I use scripture everyday as positive self-talk.  I have my favorite scriptures I go through everyday which help me stay upbeat, positive, and headed in the right direction.

I have taken the liberty to create positive self talk for you.  I encourage you to read the following to yourself at least once a day for 30 days.  After that, at least twice per week.  It combines scripture and positive concepts.  Try reading this self-talk out loud once in awhile.  I think you will find it works even better. 

 I am an incredible person.  I was created in God’s image.  That means I have a great heritage. 

 I am a positive thinker.  I look for the best in myself, all people, and in all situations.  Thus because of the law of attraction, I find the best in myself, all people, and in all situations. 

 Happiness is a choice and I choose happiness and I find it too.   Success leaves clues and I have discovered the secret clues.  These success principles have lived the test of time.  They are laws that have developed my philosophy.

 I believe in continuous improvement.  Everyday, I strive to be better than I was yesterday.   It does not take leaps and bounds to have great success.   All it takes is one step at a time.  Each step takes me closer to my dream.  I am improving!  I am a champion!

 I believe in the Law of Averages and so I do not fear rejection.  I know that the more times that I hear “no” then the more “yes’” I will hear right around the corner.  The Law of Averages is consistent and tends to repeat itself.   I use the Law of Averages and I win!

 Just like the farmer who plants seeds in the spring expecting a harvest in the fall, I plant the seeds of success everyday and I expect a harvest too.   Every once in a while, the locusts and the storm steal our harvest, but more times than not, there is a harvest…and a beautifully large harvest it is.  Much larger than the seeds I planted.   I believe in the seed and the harvest. 

 I am a person of action.  I do not procrastinate.  I pray, I plan, I take action!  I take action now!  I take action now!  I take action now!

Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



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Selling Success: Go Past the Paper Tigers!

Sales Champion,

Here is a great quote to ponder:

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.  The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do.  You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."

Amelia Earhart

Now, go out there and kill some paper tigers.  God bless you!

Mark Bowser

Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



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Monday, March 29, 2010

Learning from Sales Giants

Good morning Sales Champions!

One of the best way to improve at sales is to model successful sales giants.  Here is a great quote to ponder:

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

Isaac Newton

Now, go out there and make it a great selling day.  God bless!

Mark Bowser


Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sales & Communication Training by Mark Bowser & John C. Maxwell

Sales Training: The Keeper of the Spring
By Mark Bowser
I came across a story one time which I think illustrates beautifully how we
need to take care of our prospects when selling. The story goes something
like this. It is about a man who lived in a forest in the eastern Alps
overlooking an Austrian village. This old man had been hired years ago by a
wise town council to make sure the mountain waters flowed freely into the
wonderful spring which flowed into the quaint village.
The old man faithfully year after year removed leaves, twigs, and everything
that could contaminate or clog the flowing water. As a result, the village
spring was an attraction for vacationers and swans alike. The village was
peaceful, happy, and blessed.
One night, years later, another town council began talking about the almost
mythical keeper of the spring. They wondered, "Why are we paying this man?
Does anyone ever see him? This money could be used for better purposes."
As a result, they decided to terminate the services of the old man.

For a while, everything stayed the same. The spring was beautiful and the
village blossomed. But then came autumn. The trees began to loose their
grip on their leaves. Twigs and branches broke off the trees and fell into
the stream.
One day, someone noticed something different about their wonderful spring.
It was changing to a different color. Soon a haze came over parts of the
spring and a sickening smell began to hover around it. The vacationers left
the lovely village. The swans decided to look for a new home.
The town council called an emergency meeting. They realized what a terrible
mistake they had made by firing the old man of the forest. They immediately
hired him back. The old man got to work and performed the miracle again.
Within a few weeks, the life-giving water was flowing freely and surely to
the village spring. Soon all was normal, healthy, and blessed.
Many times we treat our prospects and customers much like the town council
treated "the keeper of the spring." We appear to have no use for them and
we take them for granted. Remember this, without them, we have no sales.
My dad used to tell me all the time growing up in our family business. "Our
customer (and prospect) is our life blood." I leave us today with a sales
thought to ponder? Are we taking care of the "keeper of the springs" in our

Vision, Connection, & Direction: The Pathway to Effective Communication
John C. Maxwell

By communicating a message of hope and significance to his oppressed
countrymen in Poland, Pope John Paul II played a lead role in toppling
communism in Europe. He affirmed the dignity and humanity of Poles, rallying
them to resist communism, while at the same time teaching them to show
restraint when confronting the communist authorities. The vision,
connection, and direction he conveyed to people in his homeland as they
struggled against a repressive regime altered the course of world history.

When Pope John Paul II spoke, the world listened. A powerful, personal
vision gave force to his words. It was a vision birthed in tragedy and
refined through years of patient suffering.

As a young man Karol Wojtyla experienced firsthand the horrors of Nazi
Germany. As the Nazis swept into Poland, they shut down the university he
was attending, executed several of its professors, and carted off many of
his Jewish friends. Enduring the cruelties of the German occupation and
witnessing the violations of his country fueled Wojtyla's passionate vision
of the rights each human ought to have.

In World War II, the Soviet Union "liberated" Poland. In reality, one system
of tyranny simply replaced the other. As a young priest and then bishop,
Wojtyla learned how to operate under the watchful eye of a restrictive
communist government. He carried out his duties within the church boldly yet
shrewdly, expanding its influence without provoking official backlash from
the government. The experiences shaped his vision, schooling him in the
strategies that would later aid him in undermining communism as Pope.

Pope John Paul II connected to people because he identified with their
hopes, their troubles, and their fears. Journalist Neal Ascherton, who
accompanied the Pope on his early visits to Poland, marveled at his ability
to connect with the audience-even when crowds numbered in the hundreds of
thousands. "Each person got the impression the Pope was really speaking to
them, that he was exclusively available for them." John Paul II valued
people, and since he understood them, he could offer a hopeful message that
made them feel significant. His optimistic words stood in stark contrast to
the bleak, unpromising future that communism seemed to have in store.

Soviet-style communism relied upon propaganda, or officially sanctioned
lies, to sustain itself. The government manipulated the public debate by
controlling the media, and consequently, people were exposed to a steady
diet of misinformation. Through time, it became confusing for them to
distinguish between reality and fiction.

John Paul II gave the people of Eastern Europe a moral compass to guide them
as they navigated life in a communist system. His ideals served as a
reference point, helping them to distinguish between right and wrong, truth
and farce. Thanks to his position as head of the Catholic Church, the Pope
could freely voice ideas that were distasteful to the existing communist
authorities without having to fear reprisal.

Even though he inspired people to seek freedom, John Paul II was very subtle
in his criticisms of communism. He was careful not to provoke the crushing
retaliation of the Soviet military by fomenting a violent revolution.
Through the papacy, John Paul II modeled the strategy by which communism
would be undone: persistence of belief coupled with patient, restrained

To say that one man toppled communism in Europe would be an overstatement,
but perhaps nobody contributed more to its demise than Pope John Paul II.
His prowess as a communicator allowed him to attain enormous influence
within the subjugated nations of the Eastern bloc. By voicing a compelling
vision, connecting emotionally with people, and modeling the direction
forward, he transformed the political institutions of Europe.

"This article is used by permission from Leadership Wired, GiANT Impact's
premiere leadership newsletter, available for free subscription at ."

Have you heard the new singing group 4 Troops? The group is made up of 4
military persons. They are awesome. In fact, a good friend of mine Matt
Moran wrote their hit single For Freedom. Check it out at itunes or
pre-order the album at

Mark E. Bowser
Empowering Enterprises, Inc.
7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280
West Chester, OH 45069

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