By Mark Bowser
Sales are won and lost before you ever reach your prospect’s office building. Brian Azar said, “Sales are not made or unmade inside the prospect’s office. They are made or unmade inside you.” You see, you only make a sale if you believe you are going to make a sale. Selling success always comes down to your belief in selling.
Now, what does that mean? Well, selling always comes down to our self-esteem. In fact, this is probably the biggest challenge and downfall for most sales professionals. As sales professionals, we get beat up a lot. When you take a look at the Law of Averages, we may only make one sale out of every ten sales calls. That means we may get rejected 90% of the time. Many times we take that personally. We think, “The prospect didn’t buy because they didn’t like me. I just can’t do anything right.” That is sour thinking and in most cases, very inaccurate. Sure, there are a few people in the world who are not going to like you and me. So what? That is their problem. Not yours and not mine. However, most people choose not to buy because it is strictly a business decision.
It comes down to a belief in yourself and your product or service. As long as you have a great product or service that is needed in the marketplace and you present it well, then your sales can sky rocket if you simply believe.
Here is my recommendation. Adopt this affirmation into your life. Repeat it every morning when you wake up and every evening before you go to sleep. Throughout the day, repeat it often particularly before every sales call. Affirmations are so powerful. Earl Nightingale said, “We become what we think about.” And Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “ A man is what he thinks about all day long.” Bottom line is this: Change your thinking and you change your life. Here’s the affirmation:
“I, your name was born for success. God has planted within me the seeds of greatness. I am living the success He has planned for me since the beginning of time. Many have failed before me, but I will not fail. Success in selling leaves clues and I have discovered the secret clues. I am a persistent champion. Many quit on the one yard line but not me. I will persist until I cross the finish line. I am a champion who takes action and I persist to victory.”
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