Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Sales Difference!

Good afternoon Sales Champions!

You may be closer to Grand Slam Selling Success than you think.  Jim Rohn said, "There are only about a half dozen things that make 80% of the difference in any area of our lives."

Wow!  That is encouraging.  What is that half dozen things for you?

God bless,

Mark Bowser

Monday, November 1, 2010

You Have a Great Sales Opportunity Here in America

Sales Champions!

Have you ever thought about the great selling opportunity you have here in America?  If you live in America, you are blessed by that. 

Jim Rohn said, "Succeeding in America is easy!  That's why everyone wants to come here.  People haven't plotted and schemed for the last fifty years saying, 'If I could just get to Poland everything would be okay.'"

Now, go out and sell yourself, sell your ideas, sell your products, and sell your services. 

Make it a great selling day. God bless you!

Mark Bowser