Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sales Training: Sales Motivation for Today

By Mark Bowser

Each day is a new opportunity to succeed more at sales. 

The great American, immortal Abraham Lincoln, once said, “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”  Each day brings with the sunshine new possible sales successes.  It doesn’t matter how great we were yesterday.  You may have closed mores sales then you ever have in a single today.  But remember, we can strive to be better today.  On the other hand, it doesn’t matter how many failures we may have today; we can be successful tomorrow.  Each day is a new beginning.  The slate is clean.  Believe in the goodness of each day by believing the goodness of you!

Now, go out and Make it a great Selling Day!  God bless you!

Mark Bowser

Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Great Messages Can Boost Sales

By Mark Bowser

What is it that makes a great idea great? What is it that takes an idea from obscurity to common language in the culture? 

It was Jim Rohn  who said, “If you share a good idea long enough, it will eventually fall on good people.”  So, how does this happen?  Let’s take a  look at Ronald Reagan.  Reagan had been sharing the same ideas, the same concepts, and the same philosophy for years. But, it wasn’t until 1980 that they begin to take hold. It was then when the masses  of Americans began to gravitate towards Reagan and his message.

Today, we are going to talk about three concepts that we can do to help our message become not only more popular, but also more magnifying. The first idea is Repetition. It has been said that repetition is the mother of all skills and it is so true.  Think about TV ads. If I were to ask you how do you spell relief?  Most of you over the age of 35 would say,  “Well of course, it's  ROLAIDS.”  We all know this because we have heard it a zillion times over the years. Repetition creates stickiness. Repetition creates remembrance. Over time, repetition can create belief.

The second concept is Consistency. President Reagan had a consistent message. It changed very little over the years. He knew himself and he knew his philosophy and he shared that time and time again.  If you want to take your message to the next level then make sure you're communicating the same message consistently every time.

The third concept is Illustration. Stories bring ideas to life. The Great Teacher Jesus Christ is the One who taught us how to use parables or stories to make a point. Christ rarely, if ever, taught without teaching through a story.  People grab hold of stories. People understand stories. And… people are emotionally moved by stories. When emotions are involved, belief is sure to follow.

Well, there we have it. Repetition, Consistency, and Illustration. That's the way to take a mediocre message and make it a great message.  That is the way to take a great message and make it extraordinary. An Extraordinary message that people remember.

Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



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Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Change Ourselves and Succeed

By Mark Bowser

Sales Training Expert, Motivational Business Speaker, & Author

Have you wondered why you make some of the same mistakes over and over again? Have you ever struggled with becoming successful?  Have you ever wanted to know if there are some  tips and  secrets that can help you go completely over-the-top?

It was the great Jim Rohn who said that,  Unless you change how you are,  you will always have what you’ve got.” Today we are going to talk about how we can change ourselves in order to become more successful.  There are three strategies that we need to do in order to make this happen.  One, set goals.  Two, be proactive, and number three, have a personal development program.  If you put this in action, you will be able to overcome your challenges and become more successful. 

 Let’s get started.  One, set goals.

Did you know that 90% of all people have no set goals?  5% of all people have set goals but aren’t reaching them which creates a lot of frustration. And the last 5% goes to those people who have set goals, write them down, and lives their dreams. Most every motivational speaker on the planet talks about goal setting.. Goals are what make it happen. Goals are what help you reach your success. Without them, you will struggle to be mediocre at best.

Now, I am not going to talk about how to set goals today. There are many good goal setting programs, including my own. But today, I just want to emphasize the importance of setting goals. Set your goals and write them down. There’s a power when you write it down.  Writing it down makes it real, makes it tangible, and can increase your chances of success.  In fact, it goes from chance to reality.

That leads us to our second step which is to be proactive. In his wonderful book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen R. Covey talks about the importance of being proactive.  In fact, being proactive is Dr. Covey’s number one habit. Dr. Covey says that being proactive is the foundational habit. Of all the seven habits, this is the primary one. All the others stem on this one right here.

To be proactive means to choose how to respond. We are given choices. We can choose to be positive or we can choose to be negative. The choice is ours.  Have you ever noticed, that the unsuccessful people in our lives are reactive? . Something happens that’s not going quite their way, so they explode. They blow up. They make the matter worse. We all know people like this.

Sometimes, we have to admit that we react the same way.   But we don’t have to be that way. We can choose how to respond. We can let our logic and our values lead our emotions. Emotions are good but they are chaotic. Emotions are good but they aren’t always reliable. Let your logic of how the situation could be solved and your values of what you believe is right, lead the way. It’s not easy, but the most successful people are the proactive ones.

So, we are committing to set goals and write them down. We are choosing to be proactive rather than reactive. That leads us to our third step, which is to have a personal development program.

Having a personal development program is what takes you over the top. The Japanese have a word “kaizen” which means constant improvement. That’s exactly what a personal development program is designed to do. It’s about improving ourselves continually.

I have a very simple suggestion for you today. Here it is:  Read one book a month in whatever area you want to develop yourself in. That’s it. Read one book a month. Now, I don’t care if you read the book, listen to the audio book, or get an audio/video program on the subject.

Research shows us that if we commit to this challenge, that in five years we will be in the top 5% of experts in the world in that particular area. That’s powerful. But it also tells us how few people are likely to do this. If you take this challenge and commit yourself to this program, you will be amazed at your progress and you won’t recognize yourself one year from today.

So, there you have it. Three simple steps to change yourself and succeed.  One, setting goals. Two, choosing to be proactive. Three, a personal development program. When you take action on these three steps you will change yourself…and succeed.  Now, go out there and make it happen. 

Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069



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Compound Selling

Good morning Sales Champions!

Do you want to close more sales? What if you could increase your sales by
20% - 40% in the next 12 months? How do you do that? By increasing your
sales skills little by little over a period of time. Just like compound
interest, you will see your results magnify tremendously.

SALES TRAINING - Silence in Selling. Check out my article.

Make it a great Selling Day. God bless you!

Mark Bowser

Mark E. Bowser
Empowering Enterprises, Inc.
7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280
West Chester, OH 45069

Superior Training, Superior Results!

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Selling & Communication

Sales Success Through Power Communicating

By Mark Bowser

In my book, Unlocking the Champion Within, I delve in depth into the topic
of effective communication. That is because our success and failure rests
very closely on how effective you and I can communicate. We can not
"influence" as leaders if we can not communicate effectively. Because it is
so important, I have decided to include that chapter in this book too. Grab
hold of effective communication and you grab hold of your future.

It has been said that public speaking is a fear worse than death for many
people. Well, the truth is that we will not be as successful at selling
unless we improve our communication skills. In this article, we are going
to explore some insights and action steps, which lead to more effective
sales communication. The only way to really conquer a fear is to confront
it and jump right in. With that in mind, let's get started.

1. Realize that communication may be the most important skill we can learn.
We all need to be able to express our thoughts effectively. We are
creatures of relationships. Relationships are very important to us. In
order to make our relationships better we must make our communication

2. Guard our tongues. Sometimes the most important message is the one we
never give. Have you ever said something and then wish you could take it
back? I think all of us have. Controlling our tongues is one of the most
important and most difficult communication challenges. If we all think
before we speak then we will be in a much better place.

3. Decide that communication is a priority. If something is a priority
then what do we usually give it? ANSWER: Time and Commitment.

4. Talk with people not at them. Have you ever been talked DOWN to? How
did it make you feel? How did you feel at that moment about the person
talking to you? Not too good right? We need to talk WITH people. We need
to make our communication conversational and user friendly. We need to ask
ourselves, "How can I uplift this person as I express my thoughts and
opinions?" This will help us communicate our messages in a more
compassionate way. Even if we have to communicate some ugly message,
compassion will see us through.

5. Have an open door policy. We must make time for people. If we lived in
President Lincoln's day and wanted to speak with the president all we would
have to do is walk in the White House and sit outside his door. When he
came out, we would be able to speak with him. We need to do the same thing.
If it worked for the president, it will work for us. If at that moment it
is not appropriate, then make an appointment with the person.

6. Understand what Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. believe when they say,
"Communication is built on trusting relationships." (The Leader In You: How
to Win Friends, Influence People, and Succeed in a Changing World by Stuart
R. Levine, CEO, and Michael A. Crom, VP). If people don't trust us, then
why would they listen to us?

7. Prepare, prepare, prepare. A number of years ago, I was trained by an
organization called Speakers USA, Inc. They used to tell us that if we want
a talk/presentation to look impromptu then make sure it is not. In other
words, do your homework and practice, practice, prepare, prepare, prepare.

8. Don't give a public presentation/talk unless you are passionate and
knowledgeable about the topic. If we are not passionate about the topic
then it will come across flat and boring. If we are not knowledgeable about
the topic then our credibility will drop.

9. Make sure your body language, tone of voice, and message are congruent.
Suppose I came up to you and said in a very gruff tone, "Sure, I would love
to have the boss over for dinner!" Do you think I really want the boss to
come over for dinner? You don't think so? Why? ANSWER: Because I wouldn't
be congruent. When we aren't congruent in every way, then we give mixed
messages to our listeners.

10. Have patience. Communication, particularly public communication, is
not easy. Be patient with yourself. You won't become an expert overnight.
Keep practicing and keep improving.

11. Look for the benefit of our differences. We need to constantly remind
ourselves that different doesn't necessarily mean wrong.

12. If agreement cannot be made then agree to disagree. A great way to
keep the peace.

13. Keep your cool when someone improperly states something. They may not
be trying to insult you. Have you ever thought you were being insulted but
were not sure? Instead of reactively attacking back, just wait. They may
have just said something in an awkward fashion. Don't jump to conclusions.
Believe me, if they were actually trying to insult you and they thought you
didn't get it, they will insult you again. And if they were insulting you
then just simply tell them that you don't appreciate it and that you forgive

14. Always try to part on a positive upbeat ending. Nobody likes to leave
with a sour attitude in his/her stomach. Always try to make peace before
you end a conversation.

15. Loyalty many times comes from private conversations. Build trust by
keeping confidences.

16. Use stories to illustrate your points. Jesus Christ always used
stories when He taught the crowds. Abraham Lincoln believed in stories too.
Lincoln said, "They say I tell a great many stories. I reckon I do; but I
have learned from long experience that plain people, take them as they run,
are more easily influenced through the medium of a broad and humorous
illustration than in any other way...." REMEMBER: ALWAYS HAVE A POINT TO

17. Learn to speak off the cuff (extemporaneously). Lincoln said,
"Extemporaneously speaking should be practiced and cultivated...However able
and faithful he may be in other respects, people are slow to bring him
business if he cannot make a speech." One way to practice this is to grab
your local paper and read a few headlines. Practice speaking on those
topics for 1-2 minutes for each topic.

18. Join a Toastmasters club. Toastmasters International are international
speaking clubs designed to help people of all walks of life become more
effective communicators and thus more successful. I was a member of
Toastmasters for years and I really enjoyed and benefited from the
experience. Check your local newspaper and/or library to find the nearest
club to you. If no luck there, then go to the World Wide Web at Plan to visit a local club as soon as you can. I
don't think you will regret it.

19. Remember, we don't have to make a long speech in order to be effective.
Just say what needs to be said and then stop talking. I remind you of
Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

20. Use Millard Bennett's 30-10 Power Formula. What is the 30-10 Power
Formula? First you read for 30 minutes everyday in whatever area you want
to develop yourself in. This will build up your knowledge base. Of that 30
minutes, read out loud for 10 minutes. Reading out loud will improve your
communication skills. It will improve your pronunciation, voice
inflections, stamina, etc.... Of that 10 minutes, read part of it in a
whisper, maybe a minute or two. Reading in a whisper will eliminate all
those um, ahh, and all those other verbal fillers. This formula is one of
the simplest formulas to practice but one of the most powerful. Try it for
a month and see what you think.

21. Understand that an inspiring talk can change the face of an
organization, nation, family, or an entire world. I remind you of Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech, JFK's challenge to put a
man on the moon, and Reagan's "Mr. Gorbachov tear down this wall."

I am convinced that if you really practice and work on these 21 steps you
will become a POWER COMMUNICATOR and have greater success in selling. Make
it happen and have fun.

Mark E. Bowser
Empowering Enterprises, Inc.
7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280
West Chester, OH 45069

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