Monday, April 27, 2009

Sales Training - Getting Your Prospects to Like You

Sales Champions,


We all want people to like us.  As sales professionals, we also want our prospects and customers to like us.  It not only is human to want to be liked, as sales professionals it is very practical.  People buy from people they like. 


In his book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale has some very wise advise.  Dr. Peale said, “First, become a comfortable person, one who is easygoing and pleasant.  Christianity teaches that one basic trait will go far toward getting people to like you.  That trait is a sincere and forthright interest in, and love for, people.  Perhaps if you cultivate this basic trait, other traits will naturally develop.”


Great advice, isn’t it.  I don’t know about you, but I am going to do my best to live it everyday. 


Make it a great sales day!  God bless you!





Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069


Superior Training, Superior Results!



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Friday, April 24, 2009

Sales Training: Live Seminar Recordings

Hey Sales Champions!


I hope your Friday is going great.  Here is a link to some live seminar recordings I thought you would benefit from.  The links are near the bottom of the home page of my site  There are even live video from a sales conference I presented in Florida.  Enjoy!


Make it a great sales day!  God bless!


Mark Bowser


Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069


Superior Training, Superior Results!



Come follow me on Twitter


Come visit Mark Bowser's Leadership blog


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sales Training: The Right Attitude

Hey Folks!


In a rough economy, we have to make sure we keep our attitudes up.  Grab hold of these wise words of the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and watch your sales soar.


“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.”

Norman Vincent Peale



Go make it a great sales day.  God bless!






Superior Training, Superior Results!


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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sales Training: A Sales Champion Harnesses The Power of Questions

By Mark Bowser

I read a fascinating story about a little girl named Markita Andrews. When Markita was eight years old, her father abandoned her and her mother. Markita's mother worked as a waitress to support them. One day, she said to Markita, "I'll work hard to make enough money to send you to college. You'll go to college and when you graduate, you'll make enough money to take you and me around the world. Okay?" That thought ran around Markita's mind. How would she ever be able to afford a trip like that?

When Markita was 13 years old, she read in a Girl Scout magazine that the one who sold the most cookies would win a trip for two around the world. Here was her answer. She had to go for it. She could smell that trip like you can smell those good cookies. Markita's aunt gave her some invaluable advice, which included asking people to invest in her cookies not just to buy cookies. Markita started telling people her dream of earning a trip around the world for herself and her mother. She then would close with, "Would you like to invest in one dozen or two dozen boxes of cookies?"

Markita sold 3,526 boxes of cookies that year and you know what? She and her mother went on a trip around the world. What was it that has taken Markita to the top? How was she able to sell so many cookies? Well, there are many factors to her success but I believe one of the key ingredients was the questions she asked her self. I imagine she asked herself good questions like, "How can I win that trip? How can I succeed? What is going to go great today?"

You see, God created the greatest computer right between your ears. If you ask your brain a question, it will search and search and search until it finds an answer. The problem is that many people ask themselves lousy questions. They get up in the morning and the first thing they ask is, "I wonder what is going to go wrong today?" And before they know it, their brains give them a whole list of things that could go wrong today.

We don't want to be like that. We need to use to the best of our abilities the computer in our heads. We need to ask ourselves good questions. Get up in the morning and ask yourself, "What is going to go great today?" or "What will I enjoy today?" When you ask those questions, your brain finds answers to them as well, which will motivate you in the direction of success. How we feel and where we are headed in life is in direct relationship with the consistent questions we ask ourselves.

The next time you are in a bad mood try to stop and catch yourself. What kind of questions have you been asking yourself? I can almost guarantee that you have been asking yourself some pretty lousy questions. Let's change that pattern right now. I encourage you to take some time and really answer the following questions. Roll them around in your head. Spend some time with them and then write down your answers. When we change our questions, then we change our answers, that in turn changes our focus, which then leads to our success.

1. What are you excited about today in your sales career?

2. What can you learn today?

3. Think of a challenge you are having right now in your sales career. How can you make it better or even solve it?

4. How can you serve your prospects and clients today?

5. How can you make a difference?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sales Training: Giving your way to sales success

Hey Folks!

So many times, we think of getting from our prospects. We want to get....leads, sales, dollars, etc...

But, if we want to have greater sales success, we must think more in terms of giving. "Give, and you shall receive..." says the Good Book.

This week, as you make your sales calls, keep the wise words of Winston Churchill in your heart and mind:

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill

Now, go out there and make it a great sales day!

God bless,

Mark Bowser

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do more, Be more!

Hey Folks!


Here is a simple but powerful thought for you today. 


“The greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.”

Jonas Salk


Keep balance in your life but work hard on your sales goals.  Make it a great day!


God bless,




Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069


Superior Training, Superior Results!


Check out our Complimentary Success Newsletters at &


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Come visit Mark Bowser's blog


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Succeeding with Sales in America

Hey Folks!


Yes, this is a rough economy.  Yes, your income may have dropped, temporarily.  Yes, it looks like the storm hasn’t passed yet.  But listen to this.  Most of you who are reading this live in America.  This is the greatest country in the history of the world.  Success is yours if you will go out and grab it.  You can succeed at sales and you can succeed period!


Listen to the wise words of Jim Rohn.  Mr. Rohn says, “Succeeding in America is easy!  That’s why everyone wants to come here.  People haven’t plotted and schemed for the last fifty years saying, ‘If I could just get to Poland everything would be okay.’”


Stay positive my sales friends.  Stay hopeful and look for the horizon.  This storm will pass too. 


God bless,


Mark Bowser




Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069


Superior Training, Superior Results!


Check out our Complimentary Success Newsletters at &


Come follow me on Twitter


Come visit Mark Bowser's blog


Sales Training: 80% of your time

Hey Sales Champions!

Here is a sales & success thought for you from Brian Tracy:

"Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday."
Brian Tracy

Now, go out there and make it a great sales day. God bless!

Mark Bowser

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sales Time

Hey Folks!

Time is extremely important to sales and sales success. Here is some wise words from Jim Rohn.

"Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it."
Jim Rohn

Invest your sales time and watch your closing ratio soar. Make it a great sales day!

God bless you,

Mark Bowser

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Sales Professional will be born!

Hey Folks!

This is a big day for the Bowser family. Today, my wife and I will welcome our third child in this world. We pray God's blessings on our child.

In the title of this blog entry, I said a sales professional will be born. Not that I am choosing the profession for our children. Not at all. It is just that I believe, that all of us are sales professionals and can benefit greatly from sales training. For example, each and every day we sell ourselves.

To help you on your journey of sales success, I encourage you to pick up a copy of the classic book "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Read it cover to cover...and then read it again. Take action on what Dr. Peale teaches you and before you know it you will be a better sales professional. Why? Because you will be better.

It is one of the most awesome, life changing books I have ever read. Have a great day my sales friends. God bless you!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Sales Training: Wise Words from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hey Folks!

Here is a great sales thought for you in this tough economy.

"Those folks who succeed simply remain enthusiastic longer than those who fail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Go for it and close some sales!

God bless,

Mark Bowser

Be the Sales Professional You Want to Be!

Good morning Sales Champions!

Today, I have a success thought from one of the best sales professionals of the last 100 years. Yes, I am talking about Zig Ziglar. Here is what Zig says:

"Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must think, act, walk, talk, and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become."
Zig Ziglar

Visualize yourself as the sales champion you want to be...and before yo know it, you will be!

Have a great sales day! God bless!

Mark Bowser

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sales and making money!

Hey Folks!

A little reminder from Richard Carlson in his book Don't Worry, Make Money. He said:

"Accept the fact that you can make excuses, you can make money, but you can't do both."

Richard Carlson, Ph.D.

Now, go make it a great sales day!

God bless,
