Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Succeeding with Sales in America

Hey Folks!


Yes, this is a rough economy.  Yes, your income may have dropped, temporarily.  Yes, it looks like the storm hasn’t passed yet.  But listen to this.  Most of you who are reading this live in America.  This is the greatest country in the history of the world.  Success is yours if you will go out and grab it.  You can succeed at sales and you can succeed period!


Listen to the wise words of Jim Rohn.  Mr. Rohn says, “Succeeding in America is easy!  That’s why everyone wants to come here.  People haven’t plotted and schemed for the last fifty years saying, ‘If I could just get to Poland everything would be okay.’”


Stay positive my sales friends.  Stay hopeful and look for the horizon.  This storm will pass too. 


God bless,


Mark Bowser




Mark E. Bowser


Empowering Enterprises, Inc.

7723 Tylers Place Blvd. #280

West Chester, OH  45069


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